Recovering from our addictions and mental health issues is one of the hardest challenges of our lives, but for some reason we feel we have to do it all by ourselves. Sometimes we’re afraid to ask for help. Sometimes we’re prideful and embarrassed about all the mistakes we’ve made. Sometimes we feel we’ve hurt people… Continue Reading Why is Support so Important for our Recovery?
Conventional forms of therapy such as traditional talk-therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy tend to focus mainly on working with the mind, and while our addictions have a mental component, they also are very much related to our emotions, our hearts and souls, and our spirits. Many of us believe that at our core we are… Continue Reading The Spiritual Element of Recovery
Anger and addiction are closely related. Occasional anger is normal and sometimes healthy. If we see someone being treated cruelly or unfairly, anger is an appropriate reaction. However, expressing anger constructively isn’t easy. Some people are prone to angry outbursts that are destructive and usually make matters worse. Most people go the opposite way and… Continue Reading 5 Ways to Deal with Anger in Addiction Recovery