When we think of depression, we typically think of prolonged sadness, lethargy, disturbed sleep, and suicidal thoughts. However, depression has effects beyond your energy level and mood. One of these effects is that depressed people have a harder time making good decisions. Interestingly, antidepressants don’t appear to improve decision making even when they improve mood.… Continue Reading How Does Depression Affect Your Decision Making?
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a condition caused by a traumatic event such as abuse, assault, an accident, a natural disaster, combat stress, or the unexpected death of a loved one. People suffering from PTSD often become tense, irritable, or jumpy and prone to angry outbursts. They may re-experience the trauma through flashbacks or nightmares. They… Continue Reading 3 Myths About PTSD
One reason it’s so hard to quit alcohol is that it’s so readily available. Most Americans drink at least occasionally and there are many occasions when it’s expected. When quitting other substances, it’s typically a good idea to distance yourself from people who still use them, but with alcohol, that’s often not practical, or even… Continue Reading 8 Ways to Socialize without Alcohol