There are some huge disparities among addiction rates in different states. For example, in West Virginia, about 52 out of every 100,000 people died of a drug overdose in 2016, the highest rate in the US, while in Virginia, the rate was just under 17 in 100,000. That’s still relatively high, but the disparity is… Continue Reading Why Are Addiction Rates so High in Some States?
Depression is one of the most common mental health issues. In 2016, more than 16 million American adults suffered at least one episode of major depression and that number appears to be steadily rising. Symptoms of depression include depressed mood, inability to feel pleasure, loss of interest in activities, trouble sleeping or sleeping too much,… Continue Reading 9 Major Risk Factors for Depression
LifeRing Secular Recovery is a network of support groups for people who want to overcome addiction. LifeRing is a relatively new mutual support organization, started in 2001. You can participate in LifeRing meetings in person or online. Meetings and materials are free and the organization runs on donations and sales from some materials. Although LifeRing… Continue Reading What is LifeRing?
In recent years, we’ve come a long way in understanding addiction. People are becoming increasingly aware that addiction is a complex problem related to genes, trauma, upbringing, and mental illness, and not a sign of weakness or a character flaw. Most people know someone who has struggled with addiction, whether they know it or not.… Continue Reading 3 Ways to Fight the Stigma of Addiction
The majority of people struggling with addiction have another mental health issue too. This is called a dual diagnosis. Often, the other issue is what leads to addiction in the first place. People often use drugs and alcohol as a way to cope with mental health issue, or to self-medicate. Sometimes they use drugs or… Continue Reading The 7 Most Common Dual Diagnoses
There are many different kinds of mutual aid groups for addiction. There is SMART Recovery, Refuge Recovery, LifeRing, Celebrate Recovery, and others. Despite the growth of new options in recent decades, 12-step programs remain the most popular option by far. Someone struggling with addiction can find a 12-step meeting in almost any part of the… Continue Reading Do You Have to Be Religious for 12-step Programs to Work?
Video game addiction has gotten a lot of attention following the World Health Organization’s decision to recognize gaming addiction in its International Classification of Diseases. This has been seen by many as a positive step because it will allow more people to get treatment for gaming addiction through their insurance or government health service. Despite… Continue Reading 4 Signs Your Teen Might Have a Gaming Addiction
Celebrate Recovery is a specifically Christian 12-step program designed to offer relief from “hurts, hangups, and habits.” The program began in 1991 as a way to help people struggling with addiction or codependency. Since then, its scope has expanded and there are now meetings in churches all over the United States. According to the Celebrate… Continue Reading What is Celebrate Recovery?
When you first enter treatment, you will probably be full of doubts. You may not be sure you even want to get sober. On top of that, you will be in an unfamiliar place, with unfamiliar people, doing unfamiliar things. It’s normal to try to orient yourself. You want to know if you’re doing the… Continue Reading Why Comparing Yourself to Others is Bad for Recovery
Refuge Recovery is a program for addiction recovery based on the Buddhist tradition. Refuge recovery adapts the principles of Buddhism, including the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, specifically to fight addiction. It works on the assumption that Buddhist ideas, which were developed to end human suffering in general, are also applicable to the… Continue Reading What is Refuge Recovery?