a woman sleeps after she wonders how to treat stomach trouble during withdrawal

How to Treat Stomach Trouble During Withdrawal

Stomach trouble, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are common during withdrawal. These may be especially severe for opioid withdrawal, which is often described as “the worst flu you’ve ever had.” Opioids slow down digestion and cause constipation. In fact, poppy seed tea is a traditional remedy for diarrhea. The problem is that your body adjusts… Continue Reading How to Treat Stomach Trouble During Withdrawal

a man grins and thinks about what is smart recovery

What is SMART Recovery?

Most people are familiar with 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, but fewer people know about SMART Recovery. SMART stands for Self-Management And Recovery Training and was founded in 1994. SMART is a non-profit created to help people struggling with addiction by teaching them strategies shown by research to help control addictive… Continue Reading What is SMART Recovery?

a group of people play the drums and talk about how music therapy can help you recover from addiction

How Music Therapy Can Help You Recover from Addiction

Music therapy may be an effective complementary treatment for people recovering from addiction. It is led by a someone trained in music therapy and is meant to be part of a comprehensive treatment program. Music therapy has been shown to be most effective for people who don’t respond well to other forms of treatment. It… Continue Reading How Music Therapy Can Help You Recover from Addiction

a doctor examines the difference between opiates and opioids

What’s the Difference Between Opiates and Opioids?

You hear about opioids a lot in the news lately, specifically how the opioid crisis is killing thousands of Americans every month. However, many people also use the word “opiate.” What’s the difference between an opiate and an opioid? There is a difference between opiate and opioid, sort of. An opiate is technically a drug… Continue Reading What’s the Difference Between Opiates and Opioids?

a group of people talk about why willpower isn't enough to beat addiction

Why Willpwer isn’t Enough to Beat Addiction

There’s a common misconception that people addicted to drugs and alcohol simply lack the willpower to quit. A recent poll found that more than 40 percent of Americans believe addiction indicates a lack of willpower or discipline and more than 30 percent see addiction as a character flaw. In reality, addiction has little to do… Continue Reading Why Willpwer isn’t Enough to Beat Addiction

a group of people discuss the stages of addiction

What Are the Stages of Addiction?

Addiction rarely happens right away. You might hear stories about someone who tried cocaine or heroin once and became addicted immediately. If those stories are true, they are rare exceptions. Usually, addiction develops gradually and by the time someone realizes she’s addicted, she’s already stuck. No two people have the exact same experience of addiction,… Continue Reading What Are the Stages of Addiction?