A woman hangs her head as she tries to fight the 4 lies people with addictions tell themselves

4 Lies People with Addictions Tell Themselves

Anyone who has had a loved one who struggles with substance use has probably been frustrated by that person’s evasiveness, stubbornness, and lying. Deception and secrecy are common characteristics of addiction, but people who struggle with addiction don’t just lie to others; they lie to themselves as well. Here are some common lies people with… Continue Reading 4 Lies People with Addictions Tell Themselves

A man leans against a windowsill and wonders how he can meet his psychological needs

Depression Isn’t All in Your Head, Part 2: Meeting Psychological Needs

This is the second of three posts based on the work of writer Johann Hari, whose search for answers about his own depression led to his book Lost Causes: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solution. In the first post in this series, we looked at some problems with the idea that depression… Continue Reading Depression Isn’t All in Your Head, Part 2: Meeting Psychological Needs

a doctor studies a medical interface and wonders does alcohol kill brain cells

Depression Isn’t All in Your Head, Part 1: Problems with the Standard Model

This is the first of three posts based on the work of writer Johann Hari, whose search for answers about his own depression led to his book Lost Causes: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solution. Most of us are familiar with the standard explanation for depression: depression is the result of a… Continue Reading Depression Isn’t All in Your Head, Part 1: Problems with the Standard Model

A man holds a woman's hand as he thinks about what to say to a loved one who has relapsed

What to Say to a Loved One Who has Relapsed?

Every year, about 20 million Americans struggle with some kind of substance use issue. For every one of these, there are many more spouses, siblings, parents, children, and friends whose lives are affected by a loved one’s addiction. All of these people feel a sense of cautious optimism whenever their loved one agrees to treatment… Continue Reading What to Say to a Loved One Who has Relapsed?

A woman sits on a chainlink swing as she wonders can you die from opioid withdrawal

Can You Die from Opioid Withdrawal?

Opioid withdrawal can be difficult and painful. It is often described as a terrible flu. Symptoms include irritability, anxiety, insomnia, goosebumps, yawning, runny nose, muscle and bone aches, tearing up, fever, sweating, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. These symptoms typically peak after a few days then begin to decline. For most people, acute withdrawal… Continue Reading Can You Die from Opioid Withdrawal?

A woman tosses her head back as she tries to remember the 4 ways to overcome perfectionism

4 Ways to Overcome Perfectionism

Perfectionism and substance use often go together. Perfectionists often have unrealistically high expectations for themselves and then are extremely hard on themselves when they don’t meet those expectations. Perfectionists are often harshly self-critical. Their unyielding attitude can lead to anxiety, depression, and addiction. Perfectionism can also make recovery much harder, since as with other things,… Continue Reading 4 Ways to Overcome Perfectionism

A group of people listen to a man talk about how they know if an addiction treatment center is good

How Do You Know if an Addiction Treatment Center is Good?

With the opioid epidemic growing every year, federal, state, and local governments are doing whatever they can to increase access to treatment. A big part of that is making sure addiction treatment is covered by insurance and funding programs to help get more people into treatment. Generally speaking, this is a good thing. Every year,… Continue Reading How Do You Know if an Addiction Treatment Center is Good?