How Does EMDR Work?

How Does EMDR Work? Before we delve into EMDR, what it is and what it does, let’s first talk about trauma and what occurs in our brain when we experience it. This will help us understand EMDR better.  Our brains have a natural way to recover from traumatic memories and events.  In this process, different…

National Suicide Prevention Month

September is National Suicide Prevention Month.   Additionally, on September 10th, World Suicide Prevention Day, the globe unites to remember those affected by suicide and to focus on directing treatment to those who need it most. The entire month is dedicated to making a difference, raising awareness, and extending help and resources to those in crisis.…

Homework and Mental Health

Balancing Homework and Kids Mental Health

Balancing Homework and Kids Mental Health In an article released on USA Today, our very own Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, Psychologist and CEO of Omega Recovery (Part of Recovery Ways Family of Programs), weighed in with valuable insights into the discussion surrounding kids mental health and homework.  Below are some of his excerpts from the article:…

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Addiction

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Addiction

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Trauma, and Addiction The link between trauma and addiction can present itself as a destructive cycle.  The risk of substance abuse increases as a result of trauma. It’s important to note that substance abuse also heightens the chance of being re-traumatized.  Individuals abusing drugs or alcohol are less able to cope…

A man walks by a lake and thinks about why you shouldn't punish yourself after a relapse

4 Commonly Overlooked Signs of PTSD

4 Commonly Overlooked Signs of PTSD Most people link post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to flashbacks, nightmares, and dramatic outbursts.  These are easily recognizable effects of past trauma. However, PTSD can manifest in a host of other ways that are often overlooked. These lesser-known symptoms impact a person’s everyday life and range from overall mood to…