A man pushes away a glass of alcohol and wonders what the alcohol detox timeline is

Alcohol Detox Timeline

Once you decide to quit drinking, you may experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms within ten days of starting your path on the alcohol detox timeline. Withdrawal symptoms can range from mild irritations to severe medical complications. How long your withdrawal symptoms last depends on how long you’ve been drinking, how much you drink, and whether you…

A patient asks his therapist "What is dual diagnosis?"

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

Dual diagnosis is a term that treatment professionals use to identify mental illness and co-occurring substance use. Both conditions form a symbiotic relationship in which one either contributes to or draws from the other. For instance, a client may self-medicated to cope with a mental illness. Likewise, excessive substance use can intensify the symptoms of…

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Addiction

Family and Addiction

Family and addiction therapy is effective in helping both adults and adolescents heal from addiction in the home. Family therapy can act as a support network if you or a loved one are recovering from substance abuse.  A family participation therapy program combines evidence-based therapies and holistic treatment that addresses all issues that arise from…

A man puts an edible hallucinogen on his tongue and wonders what is a hallucinogen

What is a Hallucinogen?

What is a hallucinogen? Find out more about these mind-altering drugs by reading our latest article below. Hallucinogens are a category of drugs that produce mind-altering effects when a user takes them. Hallucinogens are often classified into two categories: classic hallucinogens and dissociative drugs. Both substances produce a euphoric effect or hallucinations. When a user…