A woman stares out over the ocean and wonders what the synthetic weed side effects are

Synthetic Weed Side Effects

Synthetic weed is still somewhat in its infancy, only gaining mainstream popularity in the last decade. As such, widespread synthetic weed side effects are still relatively unknown. Furthermore, few academic or government studies exist on the topic. The DEA has highlighted potential fatalities or medical emergencies related to similar TCH-based drugs such as K2 or…

A man sits on his bed and holds his head, wondering about the long term meth effects

Long Term Meth Effects

Long-term addiction to methamphetamines (meth) can lead to terminal severe health problems. One of the most common long-term meth effects is an addiction. Quitting the addiction is extremely challenging and can often lead to multiple relapses. For this reason, users should seek professional help from a treatment center when ending addiction meth.  Furthermore, users should…

A doctor talks to his patient about the differences between an opiate vs an opioid

Opiate vs Opioid

People often use the terms opiate vs opioid interchangeably. However, there are some differences between the two classifications of drugs. Regardless of the difference, both drugs can be highly addictive after repeated use. People who take prescription medications may develop a dependency on opiates or opioids due to their potency. Opiate vs opioid withdrawal symptoms…