New LGBTQ+ Suicide Prevention Plan for Utah

Data from the 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance shows that nationally, LGB youth seriously contemplate suicide at almost three times the rate of heterosexual youth. A new prevention plan by the Utah Suicide Prevention Coalition says, “Utah consistently ranks in the top ten in the United States for suicide deaths. LGBTQ+ adults and youth experience…

The Dangers of Unprocessed Trauma and Compassion Fatigue in First Responders

“Society has long recognized the physical demands of first responders; however, what is less formally acknowledged are the negative psychological outcomes,” wrote Bowers, Beidel, and Marks in Mental Health Intervention and Treatment of First Responders and Emergency Workers (2019). “Most notable among these negative mental health consequences is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The hallmark of…

Psychiatric Comorbidities May Increase Risk for Polysubstance Use Disorder.

Every day, almost 200 Americans die of a drug overdose, often involving opioids. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), “more than 30 percent of overdoses involving opioids also involve benzodiazepines, a type of prescription sedative commonly prescribed for anxiety or to help with insomnia.” Benzodiazepines (also called “benzos”) include diazepam (Valium), alprazolam…

A man pushes away a glass of alcohol and wonders what the alcohol detox timeline is

Alcohol Detox Timeline

Once you decide to quit drinking, you may experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms within ten days of starting your path on the alcohol detox timeline. Withdrawal symptoms can range from mild irritations to severe medical complications. How long your withdrawal symptoms last depends on how long you’ve been drinking, how much you drink, and whether you…

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Addiction

Family and Addiction

Family and addiction therapy is effective in helping both adults and adolescents heal from addiction in the home. Family therapy can act as a support network if you or a loved one are recovering from substance abuse.  A family participation therapy program combines evidence-based therapies and holistic treatment that addresses all issues that arise from…