Is marijuana a gateway drug? This question is one people have been asking for decades. While there is some truth to this assertion, the issue is much larger than just smoking marijuana. Furthermore, it can apply to almost any substance, including alcohol, illicit drugs, and prescription medication. Using any substance that alters brain function can potentially…
Women with substance use issues may find themselves in a difficult position if they become pregnant. Using drugs or alcohol during pregnancy can have many negative effects on both the mother and the child. Women who use stimulants during pregnancy are at a greater risk of heart attack and stroke. Many drugs can harm a…
Treatment centers are adding recreational activities to their addiction recovery programs, and for very good reason. Physical activity is an important part of our overall wellness and provides tremendous benefits for our mental, emotional and physical health. When we incorporate recreation into our recovery, it can bolster our progress and help us in various different…
Upon entering addiction recovery treatment, group therapy may be a new experience for many of us. We’re more used to traditional therapy, where we work one-on-one with a psychologist. Group therapy allows us to explore topics in a group setting that we all have experience with. When it comes to addiction recovery, there are some…
Dealing with cravings is one of the biggest challenges of addiction recovery. Sometimes they seem to come out of nowhere and they can be very intense. Your brain starts to engage in all sorts of crazy logic to justify using “just one more time.” You might find yourself pacing your room, feeling like you’re about…
Recovery from opioid addiction must start with detox. Unfortunately, opioid withdrawal is perhaps the most unpleasant of any drug. It is often described as a terrible flu that you know would stop if you just start using again. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhea, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, sweating, fever, runny nose, yawning, and bone…
One major risk factor for depression is chronic illness, especially illnesses that involve pain. Studies have found that depression is common among people who suffer from arthritis, both rheumatoid arthritis and age-related osteoarthritis. The connection between these conditions is not yet clear, and is likely complex. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects people…
All parents worry about their young adult children for many reasons. They’re becoming more independent, getting ready to leave home–if they haven’t already, and dealing with the pressures of getting started in life. Parents may also worry that their young adult children are using drugs or alcohol. Parents often feel conflicted on this topic. Most…
One of our biggest challenges in recovery, after we’ve left the treatment center and gone back to our regular lives and daily routines, is knowing how cope on our own, how to fill all the time we once gave to using. It can be overwhelming, daunting, scary and emotionally draining. Many of us have missed…
In the last few years we’ve had no shortage of bad news about the opioid crisis. The death toll keeps rising and the media is full of stories about detailing how opioid addiction has destroyed families and communities. Finally, it looks like there may be some good news on the horizon. A recent report by…