A woman steps on a scale and wonders how are depression and obesity related

How Are Depression and Obesity Related?

Depression and obesity often occur together and they are a terrible combination. Both are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and shorter life expectancy. There appears to be a chicken-and-egg relationship between the two conditions and each can make the other worse. Here’s how obesity is related to depression. How obesity leads to depression.…

A doctor tells a woman 3 reasons why MAT isn't just replacing one addiction with another

3 Reasons Why MAT Isn’t Just Replacing One Addiction with Another

Medication assisted treatment, or MAT, means using FDA-approved medications as part of an integrated treatment plan. For people with opioid addictions, this typically means taking methadone or buprenorphine, a strategy called opioid replacement therapy. Among people who study opioid addiction, MAT, along with therapy or counselling is considered the gold standard of opioid addiction treatment.…

A woman is chained to the scale by tape measures and the 3 myths about eating disorders

3 Myths About Eating Disorders

Eating disorders include conditions such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating. These can have serious health consequences and they are sometimes fatal. Eating disorders can damage the heart, digestive system, dental health, bones, and cause other medical problems. Eating disorders are often associated with other mental health issues, including substance use issues. While there is…