Most movies about college life emphasize the partying common in college life. These movies don’t appear to be much of an exaggeration. One study found that more than 80 percent of college students drink alcohol, and almost half reported binge drinking within the past two weeks. To many students, drinking is just what you do…
Depression is the number one cause of disability worldwide. About 16 million American adults suffer a depressive episode every year. Common symptoms of depression include sadness, irritability, sleep disturbances, fatigue, lack of motivation, feelings of hopelessness, and thoughts of suicide. Depression obviously has a negative impact on your quality of life, so much so that…
Alcohol can affect your health in many different ways. Most people are aware that excessive drinking can damage your liver and cardiovascular system. It can also damage your digestive system, leading to malnutrition and even increasing your risk of cancer. Many people see these conditions as problems for the distant future. You may be less…
A good recovery plan must be multifaceted and address all the important areas of your life. You have to address the psychological aspects of addiction as well as any co-occurring conditions that may influence your substance use. You have to repair your relationships and build a strong social support system. You need to find meaning…
Many people become addicted to opioids while taking them as prescribed to manage chronic pain. They also fear that if they quit taking opioids, they would have no other way to treat the pain. However, opioids are typically not the best way to treat chronic pain. Opioids are best used for short periods after a…
Everyone worries sometimes, but if that worry is excessive, persistent, or irrational, it can harm your health. Anxiety has been linked to a number of health problems, including digestive issues, heart disease, pain, headaches, insomnia, and frequent illnesses. Anxiety can also lead to depression and addiction. However, there are healthy ways to manage anxiety. Here…