Support Series: Self-Care

Self-care is an important recovery tool. Engaging in self-care is an appropriate and healthy way to bolster physical and psychological well-being. During the dark winter months which include the stressful holiday season, uncomfortable feelings or situations can easily threaten emotional stability and potentially trigger relapse.    Self-care has been defined as providing adequate attention to…

new years resolutions are made after a person writes on a paper napkin

New Year’s Resolutions?

We are in full swing of the hustle and bustle of the holidays.  Every year at this time I contemplate the past year and think about the upcoming year.  The idea of a New Year’s resolution always crosses my mind and it causes a wave of emotions: excitement, hopefulness, defeat, being overwhelmed, pressure to succeed…

folded pages of a journal make you wonder how journalling helps with addiction treatment

Journaling: How Does It Help With Addiction Treatment

Journaling: How Does It Help With Addiction Treatment During addiction treatment the patient becomes more aware of their addiction, the reasons behind their addiction, and more mindful of their feelings. Many people kept journals or diaries as children but often stop when they become adults and are faced with other responsibilities such as school, work,…