Healing the inner child is a vital part of achieving inner peace and living a fulfilled life. Many people carry emotional wounds from childhood that affect their behavior, relationships, and overall happiness. The inner child represents the child-like parts of ourselves that have been wounded, neglected, or unacknowledged. It is the part of us that…
When it comes to our emotions the field of mental health has brought advances of understanding that thankfully mean we can now challenge and let go of old sayings that may be more damaging than helpful to the mental health of some in our modern lives. There are many of us who grew up with…
Self-care is an important recovery tool. Engaging in self-care is an appropriate and healthy way to bolster physical and psychological well-being. During the dark winter months which include the stressful holiday season, uncomfortable feelings or situations can easily threaten emotional stability and potentially trigger relapse. Self-care has been defined as providing adequate attention to…
Recently I received an email from a patient describing how a mindfulness walk changed their day and led to a discussion about how to manage triggers. With permission, I am sharing part of the story, to show how mindfulness can help manage triggers: “I wanted to just share a little experience that took place less…
Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. About 16 million American adults have had at least one depressive episode and the rate of depression appears to be increasing. The increasing rate of depression is partly due to greater awareness and more people seeking help, but it may also be due in part to greater…
It’s the time of year to spend your weekends in the mountains. Hanging out with good friends or family, getting in touch with nature, and just having things be a little simpler for the weekend. So we’ve given you a list of some of the best camping spots around the Salt Lake City area. Anderson…
We are in full swing of the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Every year at this time I contemplate the past year and think about the upcoming year. The idea of a New Year’s resolution always crosses my mind and it causes a wave of emotions: excitement, hopefulness, defeat, being overwhelmed, pressure to succeed…
Addiction Treatment for Atheists Most treatment facilities for addiction are based on the 12-steps that originated in Alcoholics Anonymous. The 12-steps mentions and uses God throughout the steps. So what does that mean for someone who doesn’t believe in a God? Many people just tell them to exchange the noun God with “a higher power.”…
Journaling: How Does It Help With Addiction Treatment During addiction treatment the patient becomes more aware of their addiction, the reasons behind their addiction, and more mindful of their feelings. Many people kept journals or diaries as children but often stop when they become adults and are faced with other responsibilities such as school, work,…
There is a new trend in business, especially in the booming Silicon Valley. Professional business men and women with degrees from prestigious colleges are using something to get them through the work day and help them get the “creative juices flowing,” small doses of hallucinogens, like LSD and magic mushrooms. The National Institute on Drug…