A man puts an edible hallucinogen on his tongue and wonders what is a hallucinogen

What is a Hallucinogen?

What is a hallucinogen? Find out more about these mind-altering drugs by reading our latest article below. Hallucinogens are a category of drugs that produce mind-altering effects when a user takes them. Hallucinogens are often classified into two categories: classic hallucinogens and dissociative drugs. Both substances produce a euphoric effect or hallucinations. When a user…

Young woman relaxing on the sofa at home, watching tv and enjoying coffee as she wonders, "Do anti-drug commercials work?"

Do Anti-drug Commercials Work?

Most of us are familiar with anti-drug ads on TV. From the “brain on drugs” commercials of the 1980s to more recent commercials like the “above the influence” campaign, the federal government and nonprofits have spent millions of dollars on ads trying to convince kids to stay away from drugs. Last year, when President Trump…

A woman smiles as she thinks about the question, can OCD be cured?

Can OCD Be Cured?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is a condition characterized by intrusive, unwanted thoughts and rituals meant to relieve the anxiety created by those thoughts. Typical obsessive thoughts include fear of germs or contamination; unwanted taboo thought, often about sex, religion, or harming oneself or others; or having things perfectly symmetrical or in some specific order. To…

a man checks his phone for ways anxiety can affect your life

What if Recovery is Boring?

One of the most common fears people have when they’re considering getting help for addiction is that sobriety will be boring. They worry they will never have fun again. Drinking and drug use has been their focus for so long that it’s hard to imagine anything else could be as fun and satisfying. What’s more,…