Self-care is an important recovery tool. Engaging in self-care is an appropriate and healthy way to bolster physical and psychological well-being. During the dark winter months which include the stressful holiday season, uncomfortable feelings or situations can easily threaten emotional stability and potentially trigger relapse. Self-care has been defined as providing adequate attention to…
In the recovery community, a “trigger” usually refers to a place, a person, or a type of experience that activates cravings for drugs or alcohol in the brain. Paraphernalia, visual cues, or smells, like the odor of alcohol or marijuana, can evoke memories of past substance use in the same way that the sweet sugary…
The holiday season can be a tough time for people in recovery. Many people are anxious about getting together with family—especially this year because of complications caused by the ongoing COVID pandemic. Others are depressed because they fear not being able to live up to perceived holiday expectations. Many people with addiction are triggered by…
The holiday season can be a tough time for people in recovery. Often people relapse during or immediately before the holidays—so it’s important to be extra cautious and mindful of triggers that may lead to relapse. The recovery community appreciates and offers additional support during the holidays. Recovery Ways is a pivotal part of that…
Self-advocacy can offer feelings of self-empowerment, increase your self-esteem, and support your recovery. In his famous hierarchy of needs, American psychologist Abraham Maslow reported “esteem” as the second highest need. All humans have a need to feel respected, including the need for self-esteem and self-respect. Low self-esteem, on the other hand, is frequently a major…
The holiday season is here again. Even in a normal year, it’s a stressful time for many people around the country. This year is particularly challenging because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Anthony Fauci, America’s leading infectious disease expert, has warned about the risk of big family gatherings, especially those held indoors. “I think given…
Like many other things during active addiction, healthy nutrition is often neglected. When addiction is active, those affected focus most of their time and effort on maintaining a steady supply of drugs and/or alcohol and do not pay much attention to the food they are eating. Addictive substances also frequently interfere with metabolism. Some drugs…
The holiday season is traditionally difficult for many, but with the dramatic increase in COVID-19 cases, financial uncertainty, and fundamental changes to family and social traditions, many feel they are nearing a breaking point. The recovery community, in particular, requires additional support during this time. Recovery Ways is committed to being part of the solution.…
“Both ancient teachings and modern medical research agree that one of the quickest, most direct routes to restoring harmony and balance in our lives is to foster gratitude and appreciation,” wrote Joel and Michelle Levey in a 2011 article entitled “Understanding The Science Of Gratitude.” “The moment you shift from a mindstate of negativity or…
“Society has long recognized the physical demands of first responders; however, what is less formally acknowledged are the negative psychological outcomes,” wrote Bowers, Beidel, and Marks in Mental Health Intervention and Treatment of First Responders and Emergency Workers (2019). “Most notable among these negative mental health consequences is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The hallmark of…