Addiction is often referred to as a family disease. It affects not only individuals who are misusing drugs and/or alcohol but also their families. Family dynamics are often significantly compromised and in need of healing. During the stressful holiday season, uncomfortable feelings or situations can easily arise. Confrontations between family members about substance misuse may…
The year 2020 was tough. Many of us experienced some form of grief or loss. Missing those we lost can be especially challenging around the holidays. Remembering time spent with loved ones who have passed can cause significant emotional pain. The far-reaching effects of grief and loss can be especially detrimental to those struggling with…
At the end of 2018, Katie was addicted to alcohol and other substances. The Recovery Ways alumna also suffered from underlying mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. In December of that year, Katie took the life-saving step of going into treatment over Christmas. It was not an easy decision for the single mother.…
The holiday season is traditionally difficult for many, but with the dramatic increase in COVID-19 cases, financial uncertainty, and fundamental changes to family and social traditions, many feel they are nearing a breaking point. The recovery community, in particular, requires additional support during this time. Recovery Ways would like to be a part of the…
One thing that we have come to understand about addiction is that it is a lifelong disease. No one is cured of addiction; they simply are always in a state of recovery from it. Someone who has been sober for ten, twenty, or thirty years can still relapse, which is not failure but a chance…
Sports have been an integral part of my recovery and life to this point. I grew up learning to play numerous sports…golf, lacrosse, soccer and ice hockey to name a few. There is nothing like making a pass in soccer that sets up your teammate to score a goal or in golf when you hit…
Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is depression brought on by a change in seasons. It most commonly affects people during the fall and winter, although some people, especially people with bipolar disorder, may experience symptoms of anxiety or mania in the spring. SAD is thought to be caused mainly by a disruption in the circadian…
Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a condition in which you experience a frightening, dangerous, or harmful event and continue to experience the trauma for months or years. We typically associate PTSD with combat veterans, who often endure horrific experiences during wartime. However, PTSD is actually more common among civilians. It may be caused by…
TMS stands for transcranial magnetic stimulation. It is a relatively new way of treating major depression. In TMS, a doctor or technician uses a powerful electromagnet to stimulate a part of the brain called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, or DLPFC. The DLPFC is responsible for many executive functions, such as helping yourself and others, making…
You already made the decision to get sober, you went through the treatment, and now you are ready to start your sober life. This can be scary for some patients, they may feel worried or overwhelmed. The important thing to remember is that you always have help and support and you can do this. Aftercare…