Support Series: Family Dynamics

Addiction is often referred to as a family disease. It affects not only individuals who are misusing drugs and/or alcohol but also their families. Family dynamics are often significantly compromised and in need of healing.   During the stressful holiday season, uncomfortable feelings or situations can easily arise. Confrontations between family members about substance misuse may…

Recovery Ways Helps Utah Recovery Community Navigate Holidays with Free Weekly Virtual Series 

The holiday season is traditionally difficult for many, but with the dramatic increase in COVID-19 cases, financial uncertainty, and fundamental changes to family and social traditions, many feel they are nearing a breaking point. The recovery community, in particular, requires additional support during this time. Recovery Ways would like to be a part of the…

a woman covers her mouth and thinks of the kids of ptsd symptoms

The 4 Kinds of PTSD Symptoms

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a condition in which you experience a frightening, dangerous, or harmful event and continue to experience the trauma for months or years. We typically associate PTSD with combat veterans, who often endure horrific experiences during wartime. However, PTSD is actually more common among civilians. It may be caused by…

a woman smiles as she wonders can tms relieve depression

Can TMS Relieve Depression?

TMS stands for transcranial magnetic stimulation. It is a relatively new way of treating major depression. In TMS, a doctor or technician uses a powerful electromagnet to stimulate a part of the brain called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, or DLPFC. The DLPFC is responsible for many executive functions, such as helping yourself and others, making…