The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) describes addiction as “a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking, [with] continued use despite harmful consequences, and long-lasting changes in the brain.” “The chronic nature of addiction means that relapsing to drug use is not only possible but also likely,” explains NIDA. “Relapse rates are similar…
For years, the national focus has been on the opioid epidemic—the escalating addiction and overdose death crisis driven by prescription painkillers, heroin, and illicit fentanyl. Meanwhile, methamphetamine has made a dramatic comeback. In December, the Salt Lake Tribune reported, “the number of methamphetamine-related fatal overdoses in Utah more than doubled in the past five years…
First responders and members of the military are frequently exposed to traumatic events in the course of their duties. They suffer intense stress caused by what’s known as vicarious trauma, the emotional residue resulting from witnessing life-threatening injuries caused by fires, traffic accidents, violent crimes, or combat. And of course, law enforcement officers and military…
Both legal and illicit substances carry the potential for abuse, as do many prescription medications. The prevalence of addiction may make you wonder how to stop drug abuse. The only way to prevent an addiction is to avoid all psychoactive substances. When you do begin exhibiting signs of dependency, early treatment is the best way…
With nearly half of all Americans having a family member or close friend with a substance abuse disorder, it’s common to wonder how to help an addict. Because addiction is a chronic condition, you must learn how to cope with and manage your symptoms throughout your lifetime to maintain sobriety. Since addiction is a progressive…
When you have a problem or need in life, what do you do? If you’re like most people, you contact a specialist. It shouldn’t be any different for a substance use disorder. You need an addiction specialist if you’re struggling with addiction. You are probably wondering — what is an addiction specialist? This is an…
When coping with the results of substance abuse problems, it is common to question — will I need extended rehab care? A question like this is crucial so are sure to take the appropriate steps. Furthermore, understanding what type of care you need is critical so you have a better chance at recovery. As you…
Anyone who is dealing with a drug addiction issue, you want to take the appropriate steps to find healing and happiness in their lives. It’s easy to feel confused and not know where to begin when you have an addiction problem. One of the first things you’ll have done is a substance abuse evaluation. Through…
Alcohol use disorder is an extremely harmful problem in the United States. In fact, according to new studies, approximately one in eight Americans have an alcohol use disorder. In addition, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reports that approximately 14.4 percent of adults over the age of 18 are struggling with this problem.…
What Does It Mean To Abuse Alcohol? What constitutes alcohol abuse? Some people may not be sure whether they are abusing alcohol or not. A common phrase in the recovery world is “People who aren’t addicted don’t sit around and wonder if they have a drinking problem.” What we know is that both binge drinking on…