A woman covers her face with her hands as she remembers how OCD can lead to addiction

How OCD Can Lead to Addiction

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is a condition in which people suffer from unwanted, intrusive thoughts. Often, these thoughts have to do with fear of contamination, fear of hurting themselves or others, thoughts of sexual acts, or preoccupation with certain numbers. To assuage these fears, people with OCD develop compulsive behaviors such as hand washing, affinity…

A therapist talks to a young man about which is better: methadone or suboxone

Which is Better: Methadone or Suboxone?

Methadone and Suboxone are drugs commonly used in opioid replacement therapy, a form of medication assisted therapy, or MAT. Methadone and Suboxone both work by mimicking the effects of opioids, only they don’t cause the same euphoria. Therefore, they can reduce the intense cravings that so often derail recovery from opioid addiction while allowing the…