Many public health experts have issued warnings in recent months that mental health consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak and social distancing measures required to contain the pandemic will be quite severe in the United States. “In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it appears likely that there will be substantial increases in anxiety and depression,… Continue Reading Coronavirus Recession Puts Military Veterans at Increased Risk of Addiction and Suicide
Drug addiction is no longer confined to certain stereotypes. Research related to America’s twenty-first century opioid epidemic suggests that those suffering could be your neighbor, cousin, or best friend. In fact, addiction to opioids, a leading substance linked to death by drug overdose, is considered an equal opportunity health problem that can afflict people from… Continue Reading The Real Face of Addiction
One thing you will likely notice about life in an addiction treatment center or even in a sober living home is that routines are important. There’s a regular time for everything. You get up, you eat, you go to group, you meet with your therapist, you get some exercise, and you go to bed at… Continue Reading 4 Reasons a Regular Routine is Good for Addiction Recovery
Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a condition caused by some traumatic event. Although it’s typically associated with combat veterans, it’s actually far more common among civilians. Common causes of PTSD include accidents, assault, robbery, natural disasters, or the unexpected death of a loved one. While it’s normal to experience symptoms for a few weeks… Continue Reading 3 Ways Your PTSD Can Affect Your Child
Perfectionism and substance use often go together. Perfectionists often have unrealistically high expectations for themselves and then are extremely hard on themselves when they don’t meet those expectations. Perfectionists are often harshly self-critical. Their unyielding attitude can lead to anxiety, depression, and addiction. Perfectionism can also make recovery much harder, since as with other things,… Continue Reading 4 Ways to Overcome Perfectionism
Depression affects about 16 million American adults every year. Common symptoms include persistent sadness, fatigue, lack of motivation, disrupted sleep, body aches, feelings of hopelessness, poor concentration, and thoughts of death or suicide. If you experience several of these symptoms for more than two weeks, see a doctor. Depression is typically treated with a combination… Continue Reading How a Warm Bath Might Help with Depression
The many downsides to addiction are well known. Addiction can damage your health, stall your career, undermine your relationships, ruin your finances, lead to mental health issues, and even cause death. No one with even a vague awareness of the problems addiction typically causes would choose addiction. Millions of Americans struggle with addiction every year… Continue Reading Is There Anything Good About Addiction?
Making the transition from life in treatment or a sober living home back to life on your own can be tricky. If you have been used to living in a structured environment around sober people, the sudden freedom and social pressures of normal life can be difficult to navigate. One solution to this problem is… Continue Reading The Benefits of Sober Roommates
Sometimes we view our relapses as evidence of our failure. We believe that because we weren’t successful with our recovery this time, we won’t ever be. Sometimes we use a relapse as an excuse to start actively using again. Bouncing back after a relapse means taking inventory of where you got off track, identifying what… Continue Reading Bouncing Back After a Relapse
People suffering with addiction often do not seek help because they think that they cannot afford it. Family members of those suffering with addiction often worry about how they will be able to pay for treatment or how they can help financially. One of the best ways to pay to for treatment is using your… Continue Reading Using Insurance to Pay For Treatment