According to the April 2013 Utah Statewide Substance Abuse Epidemiology Profile Report, Utah is one of the youngest states in the nation, with over 31% of the population under the age of 18 (vs. 24% for the nation), and only 9% of the population over the age 65 (vs. 13% for the nation). Educationally, 30% of residents over the age of 25 have a bachelor’s degree or higher. Utah’s Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH) states that out of all Utah residents that received treatment for substance abuse in 2016 those ages 18-24 made up 17.7 percent. Six percent of all Utahns who were treated for substance abuse in 2016 claimed “student” as their employment status. 1,119 Utahns ages 18 – 24 received treatment for heroin or other opioids in 2016. The primary substance of abuse for Utahns ages 18-24 is heroin, followed closely by methamphetamine.
Utah College Students and Addiction Statistics
The Utah Higher Education Health Behavior Survey, a biennial statewide survey of college students conducted by DSAMH. in 2007, was completed by 10,186 students from nine public colleges (College of Eastern Utah, Dixie State College, Salt Lake Community College, Snow College, Southern Utah University, University of Utah, Utah State University, Utah Valley State College, and Weber State University). The sample included 1,512 University of Utah students. This survey discovered that 34.1% of females and 25.5% of males needed mental health treatment. The same survey showed 11.8% had seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year and 1.3% actually attempted suicide. The survey showed that overall, the rates of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug (ATOD) use for University of Utah students were much lower than for students nationally. For most substances, University of Utah students use at rates that are ½ to ¼ the national rates. In 2007, 9.9% needed alcohol or drug treatment and 15.1% had five or more drinks in one sitting in the past two weeks.
Detox Program at the University of Utah
The University of Utah is known for its medical research and treatment for their patients, so it is no shock that they are one of the detoxing facilities well known and regarded in Utah. When patients come here they have access to some of the best amenities. With choices of private or shared rooms, delicious food, beautiful views of the valley, comfortable mattresses, a safe drug and alcohol-free environment, and of course amazing patient care. If patients want their family to be involved in this process, the family may visit after 72 hours from check-in or on Sundays for family programs. They also customize the detox process to address a person’s specific metabolic needs and health to make sure there are no dangerous complications. Patients are kept healthy and safe so that when the detox is finished they are ready to begin the rehabilitation process to a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle.
The most important thing about detoxing is the patient. Depending on which substances are abused and how intense the addiction is, are both determining factors of how long the detox will take and how serious it will be. The best option is to never detox on your own, but to use these facilities and personnel to your advantage. These people and facilities will make detoxing from any substance more comfortable and easier, thus making sure that the detox is completed with no relapse or overdose occurring. Many times, when people try to detox on their own the discomfort and cravings make them relapse before they ever complete detoxing. However, depending on the severity of the addiction and how long they make it without their substance, sometimes when they relapse and use the same dose they were before they started detoxing can be too much, they can overdose. This is just one reason that medically supervised detox is recommended.
Addiction Treatment for College Students in Utah
After patients complete their detox at one of the nationally known facilities an ambassador from Recovery Ways will bring them here where they will be introduce to the staff, given a tour, and discuss the continuation of their treatment plan. As patients progress through their program at Recovery Ways, they will experience several phases of treatment ranging from medical stabilization to education to relapse prevention. Our patients are highly involved in the development and implementation of their treatment plans in each phase under the guidance of our highly specialized multidisciplinary treatment team. Once the patient arrives at Recovery Ways they will meet with our admissions coordinator, fill out any additional paperwork there may be, meet our staff, and receive a tour of our residential drug treatment facility. We will do a Clinical Diagnostic Assessment that allows us to create a individualized patient centered recovery treatment plan. This will help us address both the physical and psychological aspects of their addiction and allow them to participate fully in their treatment plan. PHP and IOP treatment programs are utilized as primary or step down care after assessment based on medical necessity. They will be assigned a primary therapist that becomes their “go to” person to help them with their recovery. Patients will be shown to their private or semi-private room with private bathrooms. We even have Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) approved rooms available for those you need them.
Once our patients have successfully completed their addiction treatment program our Aftercare and Alumni Programs help them develop and maintain a sober lifestyle. These programs help them develop a community-based support system which is necessary to maintain freedom from addiction. They will continue scheduled meetings with their therapists, attend 12 step meetings, self-monitor, and participate in sober activities. They will receive continued support from our staff, their family, and new sober connections made through Recovery Ways and 12 step meetings. Recovery Ways sponsors seminars and workshops for recovering addicts and their families, explaining different topics to help them transition into the new sober lifestyle. Our Alumni Program offers support and sober activities for Recovery Ways patients. They host annual retreats, games, services, activities, and more. Being surrounded by like minded people will help the patient find more support and happiness in their new sobriety and continue their education.
Are you a college student in Utah looking for addiction treatment?
Recovery Ways, the premier Murray, Utah drug rehab, offers exceptional addiction treatment for all college students. We offer a continuum of care including residential treatment, PHP, intensive outpatient, and V-IOP. We also offer unique experiential programs including nationally certified recreation therapy and sensory integration. If you’re ready to make a change and live a life free from addiction please contact our admissions team today. Our team can review your insurance benefits and find treatment that best suits your personal and unique needs. Please contact us here or call 1-888-986-7848.