somatic experiencetrauma healing

Healing Trauma: The Power of Somatic Experiencing

Hello beautiful souls!

Let’s talk about something many of us experience but don’t always discuss openly: trauma. Living in a place as picturesque as Utah, with its majestic mountains and serene lakes, it’s easy to assume that peace and calm come naturally to everyone here. But just like anywhere else, life can throw us some pretty tough challenges, leaving deep scars that aren’t just emotional but physical too.

How Trauma Lives in Our Bodies

Trauma isn’t just a memory that haunts our minds; it resides in our bodies. Whether it’s from a sudden, shocking event or long-term stress and anxiety, our bodies remember. You might notice it as a knot in your stomach, tight shoulders, chronic fatigue, or even unexplained aches and pains. These are signs that our bodies are holding onto trauma, keeping us in a state of fight, flight, or freeze.

What is Somatic Experiencing?

Enter Somatic Experiencing—a therapeutic approach that can help us release the trauma stored in our bodies. Developed by Dr. Peter Levine, this method focuses on the body rather than just the mind. It’s about tuning into our physical sensations and gently guiding our bodies to release the pent-up tension and trauma.

How Does It Work?

Imagine you’re driving in a snowstorm (not hard to picture here in Utah, right?). Suddenly, you hit a patch of ice, and your car starts to skid. Your body tenses up, your heart races, and you’re in full panic mode. Even after you safely regain control, you might notice your hands are still shaking, and your muscles are still tight. This is your body holding onto the trauma of that moment.

Somatic Experiencing works by helping you process these reactions. In therapy, you might start by simply talking about a stressful experience. But rather than diving deep into the details, the focus shifts to your physical responses—how your body feels, where you sense tension, and what sensations arise. Through guided exercises, you learn to listen to your body and release the stored energy.

The Magic of Somatic Experiencing at Recovery Ways

At Recovery Ways, we emphasize Somatic Experiencing as part of our holistic approach to mental health and addiction treatment. Our team understands that healing isn’t just about talking through your problems; it’s about addressing the whole you—mind, body, and spirit.

Here’s what makes Somatic Experiencing at Recovery Ways special:

  1. Personalized Care: Our therapists tailor sessions to your specific needs, ensuring you feel safe and supported throughout the process.
  2. Integrated Approach: We combine Somatic Experiencing with other therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness practices, providing a comprehensive treatment plan.
  3. Supportive Environment: Our centers in Murray, Salt Lake City, and other locations offer a serene, comforting setting that fosters healing and growth.

Why Choose Somatic Experiencing?

For many women, especially those juggling family, work, and personal responsibilities, finding time for self-care can be challenging. But addressing trauma is crucial for overall well-being. Somatic Experiencing is a powerful tool that can help you:

  • Reconnect with Your Body: Learn to listen to your body’s signals and respond in a nurturing way.
  • Release Tension: Free yourself from chronic stress and physical discomfort.
  • Build Resilience: Develop healthier ways to cope with future stress and trauma.

Your Journey to Healing

Remember, healing is a journey, not a destination. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by past trauma, know that help is available and recovery is possible. At Recovery Ways, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

If you’re ready to explore Somatic Experiencing and other therapeutic modalities, reach out to us. Let’s work together to turn those Utah mountains of stress into hills you can easily climb.

Stay strong, stay hopeful, and take that first step towards healing. 🌟

At Recovery Ways we have over a decade of experience helping those who are struggling with trauma and mental health issues such as bi-polar disorder, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more.  We have a thriving alumni program with many who support each other in their new found freedoms of a life of sobriety.  We offer a wide range of services including Detox, Residential Treatment, PHP, and IOP therapy to help those in need.  Please contact us today if we can be of assistance in getting your life unstuck and back to finding more purpose and joy.  We accept most major insurances.

We are in-network with most major insurance providers