When we are working to heal from our addictions and mental health issues, sometimes what holds us back the most are the limiting beliefs we’ve developed over the years, about ourselves and our ability to recover. What are some of the common limiting beliefs we hold, and how do we change them? One limiting belief many of us share is that we’re not good enough. We have fears of inadequacy and inferiority compared to other people that we come to believe are the truth of who we are. We feel our mistakes and wrongdoings define us. We believe we are addicts and little more. We believe our challenges are reflections of our inadequacy. We blame ourselves for our traumatic experiences. We carry a great deal of shame that informs how we operate in the world. Many of us are living in fear. Another common limiting belief is that once we’re addicted, we can’t recover. We believe recovery is impossible. We think we’re not strong enough to heal ourselves. We don’t believe in ourselves or our capabilities. We see other people’s success stories and think recovery is reserved for certain people – the people who are strong enough, brave enough, or good enough. We see ourselves as doomed to struggle in the ways we always have been, and we don’t see possibility for change. We don’t have hope. Our beliefs can be changed. They are simply the thought patterns we’ve allowed ourselves to perpetuate unconsciously. We can start to develop new thought patterns, and catch ourselves when we’re defaulting back to the old ones. Repeating affirmations is a powerful way to reprogram the subconscious mind where our emotional beliefs are stored. To really program our minds effectively, we can combine our affirmations with the power of emotion and belief. In other words, we have to feel and believe the things we’re saying if we want them to become our new belief systems. We have to give them our full energy. Try using these affirmations and creating your own, and with time, effort and practice, soon you will be thinking with a new mind. I love myself. I believe in myself. I have faith in myself. I am more than good enough. I am unique and special. I have gifts and talents to share with the world. I have the power to heal myself. I am growing every day. I am getting stronger every day. I am brave. I am strong. I am powerful. I have everything I need to heal myself and be happy.
We offer various kinds of therapy to help you in your recovery. Call 1-888-986-7848 for more information.