Two friends talk about whether their environment is increasing their risk of addiction

Is Your Environment Increasing Your Risk of Addiction?

Addiction is complicated and there are many factors that increase your risk of developing a substance use disorder. Genetics is perhaps the biggest factor. If you have close family members such as parents, grandparents, or siblings with substance use issues, you already have a greater risk. Mental health issues are another major risk factor. Depression,… Continue Reading Is Your Environment Increasing Your Risk of Addiction?

A woman caresses her dog on a beach after she hears that a recent study shows adopting a pet can reduce symptoms of depression

Recent Study Shows Adopting a Pet Can Reduce Symptoms of Depression

Depression affects more than 16 million American adults every year and is the leading cause of disability in the world. Symptoms of depression include sadness, irritability, sleep disturbance, loss of interest in things you used to enjoy, slow movements, poor concentration, anxiety, and thoughts of death or suicide. Depression is typically treated with some combination… Continue Reading Recent Study Shows Adopting a Pet Can Reduce Symptoms of Depression

A man smooths his hair back and wonders how does leaving your comfort zone improve addiction recovery

How Does Leaving Your Comfort Zone Improve Addiction Recovery?

In some ways, addiction is all about comfort. Using a substance you’re addicted to relieves pain temporarily and staves off withdrawal. It’s a safe little refuge from uncomfortable feelings. Having your habits and rituals built around addiction is predictable. Unfortunately, comfort is not the same as happiness. In fact, comfort can make you miserable. What’s… Continue Reading How Does Leaving Your Comfort Zone Improve Addiction Recovery?

A man does research on his computer about 5 tips to find a job after treatment

5 Tips for Finding a Job After Treatment

Finding a job after treatment can be challenging. In addition to the normal challenges of job hunting, people recovering from addiction may have to explain employment gaps, job loss, and possibly jail time. What’s more, since addiction typically begins at a young age, many people will have lost educational opportunities, perhaps dropping out of high… Continue Reading 5 Tips for Finding a Job After Treatment

A man sits on the couch covered by a blanket, and wonders why some drugs are more addictive than others

Why Are Some Drugs More Addictive than Others?

Addiction is complicated and only a small part is about the substance itself. A more complete picture of addiction emerges when you consider the biology and psychology of the user. For example, someone with severe anxiety might easily become addicted to Xanax because it relieves her anxiety. Another person might be genetically disposed to get… Continue Reading Why Are Some Drugs More Addictive than Others?
