A woman talks with her therapist about how 12 step alternatives can be just as effective

12-step Alternatives Can Be Just as Effective

AA is probably the best known way to quit drinking. It is 80 years old and has millions of members worldwide. Most people are familiar with the basic ideas behind 12-step programs, including the higher power, the moral inventory, making amends, sharing, and sponsorship. If you need help for addiction and aren’t sure what to… Continue Reading 12-step Alternatives Can Be Just as Effective

A group of atheists and agnostics look for 3 tips for addiction recovery

3 Tips for Atheists and Agnostics in Addiction Recovery

There are many faith-based roads to recovery. Most famously, AA and other 12-step programs involve turning your life over to a higher power. These programs have helped a lot of people. This is because belief in a higher power addresses two of the biggest needs of people in addiction recovery. The first is the need… Continue Reading 3 Tips for Atheists and Agnostics in Addiction Recovery